Sunday, August 19, 2012

Great TpT Resources

Here is a list of clipart and font companies that I like to use in my TpT products.
PLEASE NOTE: Each company has their own TOU {Terms of Use}, so be sure to check them all out!


    KPM Doodles

Profile Picture Photobucket

Click Below to Check out Awesome Graphics    Fancy Dog Studio    

Mel Lloyd   Ginger Snaps  

Sonya DeHart Design


Profile Picture     

9 Free Fonts

Let me know if I left off a clip-art or font company {with reasonable TOU for teachers} that you like to use in your packets on TpT!


Mrs. M said...

DJ Inkers now offers a commercial license too :)

Color Me Kinder

smoran892 said...

You are TOO good! I just added a back-to-top button to my blog, so you deserve a big THANK YOU!!

I am excited to read your tips! I also created my own blog design....but it is pretty basic, so I can't wait to figure out how to do more!


T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

Unknown said...

The 3am Teacher graphics on TPT is another great resource! Michelle is wonderful! I also just discovered Teaching In a Small Town's graphics on TPT and am in love! Both artists are teachers and have teacher friendly TOU! Love them both!

Thank you so much for starting this new blog! I appreciate you so much!

Leeanne said...

I'd like to learn how to customize my own materials (using fonts and clipart for my classroom. I am wondering if you are going to incorporate a mini-tutorial on this in the future? I have a MAC and a PC at home ;) Many thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge with us!

Lita Lita said...

What a great post! I love your blogs and products! Thanks for sharing!

Pocketful of Littles said...

Maree Truelove is also pretty fabulous too!

Here are a couple of other ones that I use:
Sonya De Hart
Just So Scrappy ( you can email her and she will send you a commercial license)
Print Candee
Lily Bimble
Goodness and Fun
Dream Like Magic
Pocket Full of Kinders

Shuna P

Michelle Tsivgadellis said...

ONG!! This just made my day!! How exciting and thank you Linda - you are amazing!!

The 3AM Teacher
Michelle Tsivgadellis


TPT Store:

Kathy Griffin said...

Thanks! I now have a TpT banner:) Learning how to do that was on my "To Do List." Check! Moving on to the next. Thanks!

Staci said...

I like to use Mrs. Carvitti's clippings for my products!

Let's Teach Something

Ed-U-Smart said...

I just found your site. Your directions for creating links, banners etc are wonderful!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing them. The screen shots are especially helpful.

Patricia Potts said...

Bless you, bless you. I was so happy to figure out how to hyperlink my blog on my TPT store. Now I have to go find more great stuff in your blog to use.

Unknown said...

Make your button original and unique to your blog..

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Unknown said...

I am your newest follower! Thanks so much for your info. It has definately answered questions that I wanted to know.


The Cornerstone Classroom

Unknown said...

Is there anyway you could teach us how to do this on a Mac computer? I bought a font but can't use it or figure out how to make a button for my blog using a Mac. Thanks so much! Love your site.

Unknown said...

this topic Teacher Blogging Basics will assist me to complete my assignment. Thanks

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Anonymous said...

My Cute Graphics is awesome! All of it is free and no credit required!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tutorial. I needed it. There should be more of these on various things for newbies like me.
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Unknown said...

This was a very good tutorial so that other teachers can use blogs. It can sometimes difficult to stay up to date with technology since it updates at such a fast pace.

Heidi Foster said...

Wow this is so helpful! Thank you so much for sharing!

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marcy said...

Wow! Thanks for all your help Wish I'd discovered your blog months ago.

It's a Teacher Thing at TpT

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Unknown said...

I added your button to my blog/e-zine at Thanks for the tips. I will be returning to this site. Cheers, Marian

Anonymous said...

Would you please add to your list of clipart sites for TpT. We LOVE teachers and we really love teacherpreneurs who like to make their own teacher resources.

On their site they have many Freebies!


Lyndsey said...

This is great! Thanks so much for sharing!

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Unknown said...

I was wondering how you get your teacher button and put it as your main instagram picture? thanks!

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Thank you for the list of clipart and font companies that you'd like to use in your TpT products. I appreciate your care and support. By the way, don't you want to become our paper writer? We need one or two professionals:)

Matthe said...

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للتلف، والتمزق، وتغير اللون، ولهذا يجب الحفاظ عليه، بتنظيفه بشكلٍ دوريٍ ومستمرّ، حتى لا تتراكم الأوساخ عليه، وغالباً ما تقف ربّة المنزل عاجزةً عند اتساخ الكنب، معتقدةً أنّ بقع الكنب لا يمكن أن تزول، فتلجأ إلى تغييرها بسبب اتساخها فنحن شركة تنظيف كنب بحفر الباطن ننصح بالاتصال بنا على الفور، وفي هذه المقالة سنقدّم الحل لربّة المنزل، وسنعرض طريقةً لتنظيف الكنب بطريقةٍ بسيطةٍ تجعل سيدة البيت تدوام على تنظيف كنب منزلهشركه نقل اثاث بالمدينة المنورة

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This comment has been removed by the author.
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ومع ذلك ، في المنزل الحالي ، ما هو عزل الفوم افضل شركة عزل فوم بالرياض قد يلزم إزالة أجزاء من الحوائط الجافة للوصول إلى مساحات المسامير ، وقد يرفض القائمون بالتثبيت كشف تسربات المياه المعينون معالجة المهمة إذا كانت المساحات غير مرئية.شركة رش مبيدات بالرياض تم تصميم عازل الرغوة بالرش ليتم تطبيقه في طبقات رقيقة تمتد عزل الفوم بالمملكة حتى سماكة 1 بوصة. يجب أن تجف كل طبقة تمامًا قبل إضافة الطبقات اللاحقة. سيؤدي الاضطرار إلى إزالة الحوائط الجافة للوصول إلى المساحات الخشنة والأعمدة إلى زيادة تكلفة العزل. بولي يوريثان مطاط

ALQuran said...

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