Like thousands of teachers out there, I have my favorite teacher authors that I frequently buy from on TpT. Those teachers have blogs and I also visit them frequently. However, when I stumble upon a darling new store {and this keeps happening a LOT}, I usually want to know right away if they have a blog or not. I love it when they have a hyperlink to their blog from their TpT Store, because it makes it possible for me {as a potential buyer} to check out their "style" even more.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to hyperlink your blog from your store, like the picture below.
Click on the picture below to visit my store and see how the hyperlink works.
First, make sure you are logged in to your TpT account. If you aren't a TpT seller and would like to become one, click {here} and sign up for the Seller Upgrade {don't worry, it's free}. Then, click My Sales: Dashboard.
On the right-hand side of your dashboard, click on Edit Profile.
Enter the following code into the Personal Quote text box.
Be sure to add your own blog address and blog name!
Thank you!!!
Sweet! It worked!! Thanks for making it so easy!
Owl Things First
You are amazing :) I have been meaning to do this for months. Thanks sweet friend!!
Kelley Dolling
Teacher Idea Factory
Great tutorial! I just fixed up my store! Thanks :)
EduKate and Inspire
You are the best! I was just trying to figure out how to do this! I love your posts! :)
I have an idea for a post for you….tutorial on how to turn of that “prove your aren’t a robot” thing… I HATE having to do it on people’s blogs! ;)
I have to say thank you, thank you, thank you! I am new to blogging and just found this new website of yours and already you are answering tons of questions I had, but had no idea who to ask.
Thanks for all your hard work!
Love to Learn
I love your new blog! I've always been curious to know how people make the awesome previews of their units on Teachers Pay Teachers. The ones with multiple pages spread over 1 page view. I'm sure it's way easier than I'm making it out to be! If you're ever looking for a new blog post idea, I'd love to hear about making the previews! Thanks for all of the blog help! I'm new to blogging and would love for you to check out my blog.
Thank you, this is a very helpful tip.
theverybusykindergarten :)
Great post! It was very helpful!
Flying Into First Grade
I have been wondering how to do this! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am loving all of these tutorials!
Primarily Speaking
Yeah I had no idea you could do that. Just did it. THANK YOU! Love your blog, so so helpful.
I just discovered your great blog. I've been at this for several months and moving past the "basics" but I think it's great that you're sharing so many great ideas and resources!
There’s a Giveaway at Kinder-Craze
I always wondered how to do that! Thanks!! Just changed mine!
Enter my HUGE 500 follower giveaway @ Fun in 1st Grade
Thank you! Love the new blog ^_^
This was so simple to do, but I never would have figured it out in a trillion years. :) Thanks!!!
Blair Turner
I'm your newest follower! Thank you for sharing this. I've been trying to figure it out!
Stop and Smell the…Children!
Thanks you so much, I just found your blog through a TpT forum and can't believe all the great info you are sharing, can't thank you enough!
Looking From Third to Fourth
Just what I've been looking for! Thank you!
My link is not working, any idea on what I did wrong? I did change it to my link.
Thank you so much for making this so clear and easy to do!
YEAH!!!! This only took me 5 minutes!!! I am learning so much from you, Lindsey!
Thank you! :)
I actually used this to put a button on my blog to link to my Teachers Pay Teachers store. Do you have any idea why it wouldn't load my picture? It has the html code underneath, but there's the little x where my picture should be...
Thank you so much!
Thank you for the great tutorials! After several years of thinking about blogging, I finally started with a little bit if your help! You rock!
Happily Teaching
This post is very helpful. Would it be okay if include a link to this post on the TPT Seller Resource Wiki? Please let me know if this is okay.
I have searched and searched for this! Thank you so much for sharing!! I am a new follower of both your blogs and TPT store!
A Tender Teacher for Special Needs
Thank you so much!! I was searching for a long time on how to do this, and your directions were easy to follow and WORKED! :)
Crystal's Classroom
Great directions.
My words disappeared, though, or do they show up when you put them in photobucket?
THANK YOU!! This is so easy to follow and it worked great! Hailey from Autism Tank
So incredibly helpful - your blog was the first to pop up when I did a Google search. Can't thank you enough!
This was so great! Thank you! My TpT page looks so much more professional!
Check out my blog:
A New Day of Learning!
YAY - Thank you so much!!! YOU ROCK!!!
Thank you so much! I just started up my teacher store and blog and have been wondering how to do this! Thanks again!!
Teacher’s Plate
Perfect! Thanks!
Whitney :)
The First Grade Roundup
Thank you so much! You are a life saver! ]
A New Box of Crayons
You are amazing!
Thank you so much for posting this tutorial!! I really appreciate it. I have been wondering how to add the link, and with your help I was able to get it added with ease. Thank you again.
- Heather
Mrs. Renz' Class
Thank you so much! I have been wondering how to do this :)
This was really helpful. I think I made a button. But how do I know it really works? I mean how do you test it? Teaching Science With Lynda
I am sure you get this all the time but I find myself return to your blog again and again and AGAIN for all of your tutorials. They are all so easy to follow. Thank you!!
Thank you so much!! You have definitely made the blogging adventure easier!!
thanks you, Jill
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Thank you so much for this post. It was EXACTLY what I was looking for I just grabbed your button and look forward to reading more of your posts!
You are a lifesaver! We are just starting out with blogger, so I used this tutorial to link to my blog on our TpT store-so easy! Thank you for the information! We'd love to connect with you!
Thank you so very much!!!
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اذا كنت تحتاج الى الحصول على خصومات هائلة على جميع خدمات صيانة توشيبا المتكاملة التي يمكنك من خلالها القضاء على جميع الاعطال التي تعاني من وجودها في منزلك اينما كنت في مصر فلا تتردد في التواصل معنا في فرع مركز صيانة يونيون اير المعتمد و الذي يقدم لكم خدمات متكاملة لصيانة جميع انواع الاجهزة الكهربائية مثل خدمات صيانة كاريير التي تتم تحت اشراف فريق مدرب على اعلى مستوى من فنيين الصيانة ذوي الخبرة العالية
اذا كنت تواجه اي مشكلة في اجهزة توكيل يونيون اير الكهربائية المتنوعة فلا تتردد في التواصل مع اقرب فرع لمنزلك من فروعنا المعتمدة لمراكز صيانة باور التي تتواجد في جميع المحافظات في جمهورية مصر العربية و التي تقدم لكم خدمات صيانة ترين تحت اشراف فريقنا المدرب على اعلى مستوى من فنيين صيانة امريكول ذوي الخبرة العالية في اصلاح اي عطل موجود في اجهزتك الكهربائية المتنوعة اينما كنت في مصر
اعمال مميزة من صيانة سامسونج احصل عليها الان وخاصة اننا نسعي الي توفير الافضل في اي وقت مع العمل علي مدار ال 24 ساعة لخدمة افضل من خلال توكيل اريستون الذي يوفر افضل الانواع من قطع الغيار الاصلية الصنع ومن اي مكان في مصر تواصل معنا الان لخدمة مميزة من خلال صيانة الكتروستار تواصل معنا الان وفي اسرع وقت للمزيد من عروض واسعار اقل من صيانة وايت بوينت تواصل معنا الان في اسرع وقت ممكن .
الان من خلال توكيل صيانة ال جي احصل علي افضل العروض واقل الاسعار من خلال خبراء في توكيل يونيفرسال حيث اننا علي استعداد تام لخدمة الكثير من عملائنا وبتوفير احدث معدات للصيانة بضمان من خبراء صيانة فريجيدير مصر تواصل في اسرع وقت عند اكتشاف اي عطل في احدي الاجهزه لديك .
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